Pass Plus
Pass Plus is a training course designed for new drivers. It builds upon the skills you gained whilst learning to drive and adds to your knowledge by improving your ability to anticipate, plan for and deal with many different kinds of situations. It also gives you the opportunity to experience types of roads you may not have encountered before, e.g. motorways.
Best of all there is no test at the end of the course (its an assessment carried out by your instructor) AND, as a consequence of doing Pass Plus, some insurers might offer a significant insurance discounts, which can very often cover the cost of the course and make you a safer driver into the bargain. Even if you don't get any discount, it is very good experience.
Pass Plus is made up of six practical modules :
Driving in town
Driving in adverse weather conditions
Driving on rural roads
Driving at night
Driving on dual carriageways
Driving on motorways
Ready to book Pass Plus? Just get in touch. Depending on where we go, you might even get some fish & chips!
*Please note that this programme of lessons can also be used as an intensive refresher course*